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Generation Uncovered

Music Unites

An informal association of young composers, vocalists, musicians, performers, producers, promoters, technicians and digital media makers, immersed in creative practice and  pursuing careers in the creative and cultural industries.  Generation Uncovered encourages collaboration and partnership, providing space for creation, rehearsal, events, production and professional development.

Developed from Youth Music programme, Five O Band Project, Generation Uncovered is a new stage in the journey to create full scale touring concert shows, and provide pathways into the industry from training to employment.


We are supported by social inclusion charity, the Crib. Our projects are developed with grant funding from Hackney Council, Arts Council England, Youth Music and Hackney Giving  


Please contact us to come and see a show, make a connection, form an association, collaboration, co-production, partnership, commission or any other like-minded method to engage with and employ our talents and expertise

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